Mazda Miata BSP Low Profile Headlight Kit 1990-1997
*Price: 499.00 plus tax. Shipping is not included.
Are you tired of the big goofy looking barn door headlights on your Mazda Miata? These
BSP Low Profile Headlight Kit is what you Need. For Better road visibility and a brighter light at night.
Mazda liked them so much they used them as the platform for the lights
on the M Speedster. Then Mazda put one of these kits on the M Coupe. The
factory ‘barn door’ headlights interfere with your forward vision. Our
lowered profile lights capture the essence
of the Miata and improves the field of view drastically.
Key features:
1. Independent adjustment for all four bulbs takes seconds
2. New DOT stamped clearer lenses*. High beams use all 4 lights.
Replacement lenses are just $49.95. Now uses H3 Halogen replaceable
bulbs. No side glare issues.
3. All powdercoated assemblies
Don’t be fooled into buying similar but more expensive kits that have fewer features.